This is the 3rd time AS has been hit by flood and each time,it has gotten worst.The first was in 1988 and then 2005.I wasn't in AS to experience the flood in 1988.
But i did in year 2005.I remembered monitoring the water level in the drain with family and friends.Then,we would cycle or walk around the taman to check on people's houses.At night,when the electricity was gone,we stayed upstairs for the first night and the second night at a friend's place.After the flood was gone,because my house wasn't affected,we went to people's house to clean.It was a nice feeling to be able to help those who needed it.
Five years after that,year 2010,flood hit AS again.This time,it is worse than in year 2005.We didn't expect the water to enter the house but it did.When i woke up in the morning,my whole garden was covered with brown water.That really panicked me cos everything was still on the ground,nothing was raised.My dogs were walking nonstop in the water and half wet while my tortoise could not be seen anywhere.In a few hours,we lifted everything to higher places,brought my dogs to another place and left home to Lunas.It was nonstop traveling to and fro everyday since Thursday to check on the condition of the house and also my dogs.
This flood has taught me a few things.It is to stay calm and focused when everything is going out of control.Scan the area and see what needs to be done,do it systematically and don't panic.Saying 'I don't know' during times like this won't help.It is better to move and get things done,then to stare at things and cry.Things won't be done and also time is just being wasted.Don't keep expecting people to help you.Inform others that you need help and then get to the things yourself instead of waiting.Your friends will eventually come when they are done with theirs and by then,you would have done some of the things too.Only yesterday i could finally online and post up photos to my Facebook and also blog about the flood.Now that everything is returning back to quite normal,i can continue focusing on preparing for my exams.I didn't study AT ALL since Thursday so i am now very,VERY OUT OF TIME.I have to re-plan my schedule and see how to fit everything that i am suppose to do into less amount of time.Got to get study now.
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