Sorry for the 'disappearance' after my exams.
Exam was...a little tougher than previously for me this time.I felt that there were many things that i didn't know how to do which is not a good sign.Anyhow,i already tried my best.So whatever the results are i will just have to accept it but i do wish to pass so that i can finish my studies by next semester.
After exams (exam ended on Wednesday),there were so MANY things to do.
Thursday - i met up with my STAR friends.It has been awhile since i met them.We 'sembang' for quite a long time,listening to each other's stories.
Friday until Monday - The whole family and Ning went down to KL to fetch my brother back from college.My family went back earlier while Ning and i stayed on a few days more to hang out with friends.This time i met up with a few of my Convent friends whom i have not met for awhile.It was great fun catching up with them especially now that they are in their working life.We had a little 'adventure' on our way back and spent almost the WHOLE JOURNEY talking.We only stopped talking for the last few minutes when both of us fell asleep.Upon reaching,brother made plans to go out for dinner and movies.So,after taking a quick bath,i was out and was only back around 11pm.Luckily i managed to get a SHORT (less than 15minutes) nap while in the bus.
Tuesday - Ning and i had dinner with one of my Convent school teacher.Dinner was nice and we had fun except for the part that i had to rush back cos that night,my family wanted to go back to grandma's house.So,we left around 10pm and reached almost midnight.
Wednesday - In grandma's house for prayers.After prayers,we had home-cooked lunch and then was out for makan-makan.We went for the very popular cendol,followed by laksa and then a little of Indian kuih.We had dinner before heading back home with my relative from SIngapore.
Thursday and Friday - Spent my time with relative,playing and talking and entertaining and going out.We also had home-made steamboat which was very filling.Just two rounds and we surrendered.Was too full to even attempt on eating the noodles which is the best part.
Saturday and Sunday - Penang penang!!Spent Christmas at relative's house.It was sort of a family gathering.Everyone brought a little something and in the end we had,hokkien mee for lunch,yam cake,potatoes and mango pulut for tea and 11 dishes for dinner.It was my first time playing Uno-Stacko and i didn't know it will be that much fun and exciting.While we,the 'kids' were busy with the colourful stack,the adults were also busy enjoying themselves with their game,the mahjong.
At night,after the very delicious dinner and when some of my relatives have gone back,we all went down and relaxed by the pool.It was windy and cold...many little stars twinkling in the dark sky...the shy moon shining brightly behind a building...lights decorating the palm trees and other plants by the pool...sitting on the chairs,10 of us (grandaunt and granduncle,aunts and uncles,parents,sis and me) were chit chatting and laughing at stories which were shared.Time passed so quickly and before we knew it,it was already midnight and time to call it a day.
Monday - My time to enjoy at home.Though i was at home,it was still a busy time.It was more shopping for CNY clothes.Besides that,there is the clearing and cleaning up of my stuff.The flood made me realise that i have a lot of rubbish stored so i had to spend a day to sort them out and throw away things that i no longer need.Then,it was time to also start packing my things for KL.I will be going there to study in 2days time.It is SO FAST right?It feels as though it was just yesterday when i finished my exams.
So...this is what i have been up to for the last two weeks.How time really flies when i am busy enjoying myself.I wish that it will last (though i know it is impossible).Anyway,will enjoy my last few days before i am back to studying.Hope that KL will be good to me and won't give me much problems.
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