Saturday, October 16, 2010

Exam period

Exam season is back!Stress level is high,moody days increases..

This semester is a little more stressful than before because the clever me decided to self study for one paper (P3 - Business Analysis).I thought since it is a theory paper,i should be able to handle it.In the end,i still registered for the exam but i haven't even finished ONE round of the study text.Ya,that means my first time studying it and actually getting to know what this paper is all about is TWO MONTHS from the exam.So smart of me right,to think that i will be that hardworking and discipline enough to study by myself.

The other paper i am taking is P2,Corporate Reporting.That paper is a continuation of the previous F7 paper.Because i took that a year ago,there are many things that i have forgotten.So,spent most of the time in my lectures trying to recall what i studied before.By the time i remember,the lecturer is already done with lecture for the new parts.Never ending chase for me...

Therefore,you can stressful it is for me right now.TWO papers which i have ZERO confidence and the fees for a paper is around RM400.

So...what i do to cope with the stress?I go for a HAIRCUT..which is exactly what i just did.You might think that it is silly and a waste of time,but to me,it is a good way to release the stress,refresh and regain the energy and motivation.

I am so stressed till i went for a haircut.
Cut off stress?

Today's haircut was GOOD..Initially didn't want to waste time for a wash but then the lady somehow just did it..and i have no regrets.The massage was so nice that before i knew it,she was done.Usually i will be wondering why is it taking so long (which i should be since i did not plan on spending so much time there),but i didn't this time.The cut turned out really well too though it was a little shorter than what i expected.And,i am so going to get THAT hair product (Soft N' Straight) after finishing what i have at home.Loving the results of it =)

See how a short trip to the salon can help reduce stress?

Enough of blogging for now.Got to get back to my books.Hope i survive this exam and don't fail.


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