Yesterday was a really horrible day,the worst day in my study life.Hate it yet i expected it.Just didn't know that it will become a reality.Why oh why...??
ACCA should seriously do something about their website or IT system.I opted to receive my results via email and that didn't come till today.So,i was sitting in front of my laptop for almost 7 hours (from the time i started to prepare lunch,had lunch till after dinner) clicking on the reload button and keep trying 'new' ways to access the site.
The exam i said,somewhat i expected it though deep inside me,i was still hoping for a tiny miracle to happen.But when i asked myself,which paper should it be (not wanting to be greedy so was just hoping for one) i could not even decide.Both the papers i felt that i didn't do well.Maybe,that's why miracle didn't happen and therefore the..
I hope that after this i will regain my motivation to study for maybe find a new drive to work harder because previously it has been almost nil momentum and concentration.Wishing that this semester will be a better one and that everything will go smoothly,starting from the decision about my classes).
Like you said hopefully this is a wake-up call! A reminder that many things require discipline and consistent work. New environment now, hopefully less distractions also. It's just a while more. Stay focused... All the best in your this sem.
It surely was a HUGE wake-up call.I did study for them,just that my brain felt saturated the whole of last semester.Anything to make my brain absorb better and stay focus for this semester besides the double-F?
I thought new environment,more distractions?Anyway,gonna try my best this semester to clear a few papers cos it has been 'a while more' for quite some time.Don't want to prolong it anymore.
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