Saturday, May 23, 2009

Minor exam is over

Ah..Finally,my Malaysian Studies exam is over.Hopefully i am done with it for good.

Yesterday,drove back to Penang after 3 weeks.My nephew was happy to see us (sis and me) i think.Usually after kindergarten,he will be upstairs playing with his toys and watching movies but yesterday,he brought his toys and movies down to our room to play.He even took out his books to read to us (Cute part was when he keeps telling me how DIFFICULT his work is compared to MINE).Everything seems so nice and fine in was time time to sleep.I only remember tossing and turning the whole night..

And because of that,took a 'nap' for almost 5 hours after reaching AS.Now,i am recharged and ready to go for badminton.I know i am suppose to be recharged to study but a little break won't harm i guess.I will study tonight (that is IF there is nothing interesting on the tv) =P

*Time to get ready my 'weapons' for badminton*