Saturday, May 23, 2009

What should i be?

Lately,i have been thinking a lot about my future..What do i really want to be in a few years time?Possibilities that i have thought of:

~An accountant - Because i am studying it now.Planning to get the certificate then earn some $$ before doing something else.But it is SO TOUGH to study for the exams.Should i just quit and do something that i want?That's very tempting..

~Opening my own nursery - Simple reason..because i love kids.

~Opening a bridal shop - This idea came from watching too much of Home&Health.What interest me is being able to find the perfect wedding dress for people.

~Party planner - In school,whenever there are parties to plan,i won't mind getting involved.After all the hard work,it is nice and satisfying to see people enjoying themselves.

~Owning an ice-cream shop - Ice-cream is my favourite dessert.I love how they always look so yummy,pretty and colourful.Maybe sis and i can be partners..she bakes cakes and i make ice-cream..perfect dessert shop.

~Anything related to dance - But at the moment,this doesn't seem possible.It has been so long and i am still looking for a partner.Why is it so DIFFICULT to find?

These are the crazy ideas that have been going through my mine.I think it is from the stress of studying for my exams.Will see after the exam whether i will still be thinking of them.


Anonymous said...

You could be an accountant in a big nursery chain.

Ling said...

Accountant in a BIG nursery chain?Be the boss of the nursery maybe,but accountant..don't think so.