Friday, June 25, 2010


Life after exam is really wonderful.I can do ANYTHING without having to think of the books and whether i have done my work for the day or not.Unfortunately,it is going to end SOON.Not fair how i only get 3weeks holiday and my friends have 12weeks.

Since the start of 2010,i have been very lazy and inactive.Didn't exercise that much,only attended my dance class which was once a week.The rest of the week was spent at home,lazing around.

So,after my last paper,the first thing i thought of was going to play badminton.Made plans with friend and before i know it,i am addicted to badminton.Though the first time caused a lot of pain everywhere,but then after a week,i was back in the court.

Today is my 3rd time..So much fun,making me look forward to more of it with my siblings and friends =) Let's go again tomorrow (shoulder is aching now,hopefully my legs are okay)