This morning my aunt told me about an accident involving someone i thought i didn't know.I was upset but i didn't know who it was so...not that bad.
Then,just now..when my cousin told me about it again and told me who it was,i realised that i know who she is.This lady is my childhood friend's mum.But the reality didn't hit me that hard until i saw it in the Chinese newspaper.
These are some of the photos from the newspaper..
So,what happened was..this lady was out with her friends,daughter (my friend) and her grand daughter.They had just finished buying things and was on their way back to the car when a motorbike,snatched her bag.I think there was a little struggle and she fell.Behind her,a 10-wheel lorry was reversing and it reversed right into her.Her head and back was rolled over and her brains....I think those who were with her witnessed everything because she screamed.All that happened within 10seconds.
I can't imagine how my friend is going to go through this,seeing her mother die in front of her is such a state.It must be so tragic and horrifying.I feel so sorry for what happened to her mother and hope that she will be able to go through this.
Why is the world so cruel and mean nowadays?Why are people getting so desperate until they have to snatch people's things?Why must it happen to good,innocent people who are helping the community and making the world a better place?Why don't it happen to those snatch thiefs and robbers and those horrible people and let them feel what it is like?They SO deserve it for making the world so unsafe.
i read d news that day... alive n die, within d 10 seconds, very geli. i m sorry to heard that too...
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