Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flying meatballs

Before i start writing anything else...i need to say this.The coffee from Nando's is super 'kau' i think.Drank that when i was having dinner and i ended up not having a good sleep until it was 8am (and i got to get up at 9.30am for class).

Ok..so the coffee-made-me-can't sleep night was on Sunday.On Monday,went to class as usual (after 2 weeks of not going).A lot of copying to do but i was okay.Time flew very fast so before i realised,it was time to go back.Dropped by at uncle's house and decided to go for dinner and movies with him.Dinner was at Gurney Drive.The food there is okay but a little pricy.

Then,the nice part.MOVIES!We watched the cloudy-something-flying-meatballs (always have problem remembering the name).Okay..it is called Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.And we chose the one in 3D.FUN FUN FUN!Imagine the most yummy food was dropping from the sky and you can choose what you want.That's incredible right?The part i LOVED the most was when it was snowing ICECREAM.Really wanted to be in the movie at that time.It will be heaven... (unfortunately,i was stuck to my seat with no icecream)

So..that's a little of what i did this week in Penang.I have only one more week before i am back in AS for a month (not holidays,but study month).I have mixed feelings about the exams now..a little looking forward to it and a little not.Anyhow,shall concentrate on preparing for them first.Better go do a little revision before going to lecture.