Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dedicated to you

I found this essay which i wrote when i was in Form 5 about someone who really made an impact in my life..and thought that today is a very good day to share it.

The first time i met him was when i was around 10 years old.
A family friend,Uncle John brought my siblings and me over to his house.I can still remember vividly that his house is painted pure white and there was a fish pond in front.We were there to watch Jurassic Park,the famous movie about dinosaurs chasing after people.But,unfortunately,he was in a hurry to go out so we didn't manage to watch.

A year of two later,Uncle John thought that i have some musical sense in me.He told mummy about it and they both agreed that i start taking up music lessons,piano lessons to be precise.He recommended that i take lessons from this teacher staying in the same 'taman'.He said that this teacher is a good teacher and very talented.That is how i ended up going for piano lessons.

* Think you all should know who i am talking about =) *

On my first day of lesson,i remember feeling so scared and nervous.I was my first time going for such lessons and i didn't know what to expect.With all those feelings,i didn't realise that the teacher was actually someone whom i have met,that short encounter a few years back.I may have forgotten but he didn't.

Lesson on the first day was okay with me being a little shy and quiet.
But it all changed after a few lessons (You should ask him).I was no longer the shy or quiet one.I could be myself and enjoy my every lesson.From then on,he was more than just my teacher,he was also my friend and a good one too.

During the few years of lessons,i had so much FUN.Of course there is the usual playing and theory..but there was also other things that we di
d.We would talk about 'interesting' happenings..feed the fishes in the pond..look at car magazines and asking him to buy this car and that car (I no longer want a limo now,more interested in the cute,little BEETLE)..playing PALM games,see who scores higher or who can play longer..shooting bb gun..admiring the bowling balls he has (I still like the apple one)..asking him to renovate his house to make it look like the ones in the magazine especially the pond..So many things that we did besides the usual lesson.And that is how we got to know each other better.

I remember sometimes going to lessons feeling moody and stressed up because of school and tuitions.I can't skip lesson just because i am not in the mood so i try to hide what i feel by being quiet and just do what i am told.He somehow realises it and tries to cheer me up by being extra talkative or funny.He knows that i like to talk so when he does that,i will eventually talk and feel better.And it never fails.

There are times when i complain and complain ab
out how my friends are and about how the people around me behave and treat me.He will just smile and say that it takes all kinds of people to make a world,a happier and more interesting one too.That saying made me look at things more differently and to not be so easily affected by the little things that people may do.

As you all know,to be good in piano,one has to practise the piano and do their theory.Well,i am not one of them.I always either don't practise
or practise not enough.I only study for my theory when the exams are coming.I was a bad and 'challenging' student.Most teachers would have kicked me out of their classes (That is what he always tell me),but he didn't.He not only didn't give up on me but he was always there,pushing me from behind,encouraging me and sometimes forcing me too.I know it was for my own good.He always tell me that 'Practise makes perfect'.And that is how i managed to pass all my exams.

My acquaintance with him has inspired me in many ways.He makes me want to be like him,being able to play the piano and express himself so well in songs (There was one Korean song which he played SO WELL that it made me practise and practise cos i wanted so badly to be able to play like him.I didn't tell him that though.HAHA!).He makes me want to be as determined as him,working hard to achieve the target no matter how high it is.He makes me want to be as successful as him,in career and also in life.

* For those who still do not know who i am talking about,then i shall describe him a little more *

He used to live in the same 'taman' as me but has now moved to KL.His hobby used to be playing golf when it is sunny and bowling when it's raining.He always compare himself with Garfield;fat,lazy and always hungry (I didn't and still don't see any similarity).He is generous,kind and always ready to lend a helping hand.He is sociable,friendly times childish too,but it is this nature which makes him such a good teacher and companion.And like Uncle John said,he is a really nice teacher and very talented (Wish i can have 10% of his talent).

* If you still don't know who i am talking about then you should know after this... *

This is who he is,doing what he does best.

Thank you so much for what you have done.
You have inspired me in so many ways,directly and indirectly.
I am really blessed to have known you,
And happy that you have been a part of my life.

Hope that all your wishes and dreams will come.

*I edited a little since i didn't get full marks for this essay.But it is still not good,a little choppy here and there.Sigh..*


AzBadFX said...

yaya!!...that's my Kawan Bagus!!! :D

JS said...

Ooooooo !!!!
Thank You Hooi Ling !!
I MISS MY TEACHING DAYS in ALOR SETAR where I know each and every student well and they too see me like a friend and mostly friends till today.

Now in KL . . . .
Please Play . . . . . then blabber blabber . . . lecture lecture . . . PLAY again . . . . blabber blabber .. . . . !!

But I have 2 boys in KL that will share with me on the latest in their PSP :) then PLAY . . . . SCOLD SCOLD .... SCOLD .. . . stop practising so much PSP !!!!! he he !!

Thank you !!!

JS said...

Ooooooo !!!!
Thank You Hooi Ling !!
I MISS MY TEACHING DAYS in ALOR SETAR where I know each and every student well and they too see me like a friend and mostly friends till today.

Now in KL . . . .
Please Play . . . . . then blabber blabber . . . lecture lecture . . . PLAY again . . . . blabber blabber .. . . . !!

But I have 2 boys in KL that will share with me on the latest in their PSP :) then PLAY . . . . SCOLD SCOLD .... SCOLD .. . . stop practising so much PSP !!!!! he he !!

Thank you !!!

Unknown said...

Wise and Beautiful White Flower,

That was a very well-written essay, maybe not for schoolwork, but definitely A+ for lifework. After all, life is but a string of stories.

I believe JS is still searching for his niche in KL. I believe he's doing his best.

He's still the excellent teacher. My daughter, 9, is fortunate to be his student. My husband and I get free lessons during group class. *grin* Definitely learning a lot, all 3 of us.

Peace and Good Will to all.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ling said...

I didn't know you read my blog..

Aiyo...Don't blabber and lecture so much.Play more games.Hehe!

Ling said...

Thanks =)Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.