Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mummy's birthday (Part 2)

This one is about how cheeky my granny was..She wanted to give an angpow to mummy and told me about it.Then,sis suggested that we give her a fake one first before the real one.

Various ideas for the fake one..only a few ringgit or a hand-made gift voucher or just a paper asking her to claim from granny or a fake cheque.

We ended up with a fake cheque.I drew and copied to the very exact (i try to).Then,put it into the angpow.Granny,walked to mummy and gave her with a serious face (she tried VERY HARD to) and then we insisted that mummy opens it.When she did,everyone burst into laughter.It didn't occur to her that granny will 'surprise' her too and the funniest part was...that the fake cheque was drawn on a piece of receipt *LOL!*

After that,granny came out of the room with another angpow and said..."Oh,sorry sorry..I took the wrong angpow for you...".Mummy was hesistant but in the end she did open it and knew that it was a real one.

Everyone had a good laugh and was in tears at the end of the surprise session.Laughter is the best medicine so i guess it is okay to have such surprises,right?


AzBadFX said...

ish ish ish...buat mummy terkeluar air mata saja...haha!

Ling said...

Air mata of happiness tak pa la.Once in a time good to wash the eyes from the habuk =P