Monday, January 11, 2010

Baby Zen Yi - 11/01/2010

My first time taking baby photos.It is not easy as they move constantly.These are some shots out of the many that i like.

What do you think?I am still not satisfied as they are not sharp.Any hints or tips on the settings that i should be using?


Thomas C B Chua said...

Cute and loveable. Is it yours? It has been a long, looooong time since we held ours. They have grown up and out of the nest. Now we have an empty nest. Do spend time with your baby. They grow up very fast and then when you know it, you miss their childhood!

BTW how much is an average baby formula now?

Ling said...

Ya,time flies.That is why photographs and videos are good,a sweet memory when they are grown up.I will remember to tell that to my cousin and his wife =)

Um..i don't know.Will check it out when i next go shopping with my cousin.