Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!


Think i am a little too late to wish.Was a little busy and tired.

New year resolution? time for me to sit and think what they will be.Will make them as the time goes.

Did i tell you that my parents just got a new camera?Well,if i didn't then,ya,they just did.We were using a compact and now,upgrade to DSLR.So,i am currently busy shooting anything that looks nice and trying out the settings to improve on my photography.I always thought that taking photos is easy,but i realised that there are more to it then just the 'click'.Adjusting the settings,getting the composure right,stable hands and further processing.Luckily i have someone to guide me and to comment on my photos (Thanks Sifu).So,it is easier and faster to improve i think compared to learning them myself.

For some of the photos taken,can view them in my Facebook.Will upload them here later,when i have free time.