Monday, November 17, 2008

My days before exam

It has been almost A YEAR since I last sat for an exam.

So,you can imagine how rusty the brain is.

Since the start of November,I have not been going for lectures (there aren't any also cause we cancelled all =D ) and have been staying at home.

Beginning of the week was spent..playing badminton,being a busybody,taking care of the pups,dancing,watching tv,playing SDO-X...basically anything besides studying.And because of that,everything on my timetable got delayed and also i got more to do during the second week.

Today,last of day of the second week...managed to finish on time this week.Why?Because i didn't want to the extras.In order to reach my target for the day and because i was lazy to study during the day,had to spent a few nights studying till late at night.Only yesterday did i OBIDIENTLY finish it rewarded myself with shopping and also whole night of tv.Now,it is only 5.45pm which means i have the rest of the day to do ANYTHING i want besides studying..That's the nice part of torturing myself for hours at a time.

Hopefully i will be this GOOD for the following weeks....


DA L said...

i envy your self-discipline. i've got to get me one of those someday soon