Friday, July 10, 2009


Finally..started my dance class again.SO,SO HAPPY when i found out there is a class which can fit into my schedule.

After so long of not dancing,it took some getting used to.I could not keep my balance on the heels when i had to stand in a line.My legs were aching so badly because of the heels and way to move them.Also i was sweating and sweating even with the aircon on cos my body suddenly had to work extra hard,the muscles have to stretch and stretch.

Tiring but very satisfying =D HAPPY HAPPY

I am now learning the rhumba.So glad that my instuctor is teaching that this time instead of cha cha.After this,i think i want to learn the salsa and the samba.Jive...i will be the last cos tried that before and it was SO DIFFICULT to get the hopping right.

Stay tuned for my update on my dance class.