Monday, July 6, 2009

First day of class

I think i was worried that i won't be able to wake up...keep waking up in the middle of the night to see what is the time.After realising it is still early,back to dreamland..

Class was surprisingly okay.The lecturers are not bad,better than my previous lecturers i think.The textbooks have already arrived,just that i forgot to bring my receipt so can't get them until next week.Everything is so smooth UNTIL i have to pay attention to what the lecturers were saying.

Gosh...Two months of not attending class and my brain and ears are so rusty.I was trying so hard to catch what they were saying.Words just enter in the right ear and out the left ear.Really that bad.And i already have homework on the first day..

So..i better go and finish my homework now before i get too lazy.Need to pass it up tomorrow or else she won't accept it.